I was struck on the way here by the free-flowing conversation. We were talking a lot about things that we had just finished up with at home: AP exams, papers, projects, internships... I wonder today about how long it will take for us all to "descend" into the labyrinth of this pilgrim journey. When will our conversations be about what is in front of us in the moment? When will we stop dwelling on who and what we left behind and begin seeing God in these "old stones" that surround us?
When we landed today something about being here just felt right to us all. We looked at each other and smiled - there was a feeling among many of us , I believe, that we had arrived at the place where we should be on pilgrimage.
Today we went up to "the velvet castle"- an ancient ruin that dates back to a ruler named lysomachus. There was a complex system of aqueducts that ran down from this citadel and sent water to the city. Pretty impressive , really.
All around us was old and new.. a woman sat making killim bags.. a little girl fed her goats that took care of weed control for the park.. ..
Our guide, Cengis, bought us all "apple tea" at a rooftop cafe' where we watched dusk begin to set in.
Cengis is really great and is taking great care of us all. Our hotel is right next to the waterfront in Izmir.
We ate a simple dinner and said evening prayer together on the deck above the pool. Just wow... Amen